
TUpass, the better password strength meter.

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The 1st TUpass hackathon is over!

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The 1st TUPass hackathon is over! We are happy to announce that the first round of the TUpass hackathon is over! Many thanks to anyone that contributed solutions to our call! The winners will be notified individually to receive their prizes. Although the participation on the first hackathon was rather low, we hope to rally more troops and be back stronger for a more successful second round! Stay tuned.


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Small extension to the first round until the end of the month Hello everyone! No one has cracked any tricky passwords yet… Due to requests, the deadline for the first round of submissions is extended until the end of the month (28th February 2019 23:59 AoE). You should also tell your friends and colleagues about the competition! There is still time!


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Deadline set to 15th February The deadline of the first phase of the competition has been set to the 15th February 2019. Don’t forget that you can contact us for any questions. Have fun!!